Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taged again...

I am - still looking (Now with good company)
I want - to be able to supply for my family.... and Jello
I hear - the beautiful sound of kids RUNNING A MUCK! :D
I never - write my thoughts anymore... or so it seems.
I wonder - when, where, why, how... and when again.
I always - win (.) ~notice the period... I make the rules to my 1..2..3 I win game... Rule number one is... I WIN. -end of rules
I usually - notice something I did years before was dumb.
I search - for new ways to do old things.
I am not - always understood.
I dance - rarely, but am interested in learning how to formally.
I sing - when I'm happy and the situation permits.
I wish - I had 20-20 hind sight
I dislike - how sometimes I overlook things... mainly the ones that affect others negatively.
I rarely - voice my thoughts, unless they are asked for... even then I take awhile to formulate the madness which I call my logic.
I cry - when I have to clean the room
I am not always - thinking things through
I lose - my phone... maybe it would help if people called more often.
I fear - that I may lack enough understanding for the magnitude of some important things in life.
I'm confused - now, but I'll figure it out and let you know if you like.
I need - a job.
I should - spend more time thinking and acting on good impressions.
I dream - about odd things, but only rarely.
I have - used more . 's than I needed too in this post.
I love - everyone, mostly my wife. :D
I tag - Josh, Sam, and Halli
